Electronics Learn Mode
Concept | Storyboarding | Art Direction | UI/UX
Teach children concepts of electronics using videos and interactions with the electronics figurines in the Tacto Electronics kit.

The Concept
The idea was to use the 3 characters from the already existing electronics game as instructors. The 3 characters talk to each other and give the player information about how electricity works, how electrons flow etc.
The videos had to be fun to hold a child's attention, and have lots of interactions
so it didn't seem like a lesson in class. We also added fun transition animations to keep the video interesting.

The Art Direction
The challenge was to recreate the 3 existing characters from the 3 different games, and make them come together in a simple 2D style because it would be easier to animate. I worked with the 2D artist to recreate the 3 characters and make the environment backgrounds.

The Output

Created all the icons and popups for the game and UX flows from start to end.

The Animations
We put extra effort in tiny transition animations to break from the monotony of the heavy narrative learning experience.

The Final Product